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iTxt a bad MXit clone going nowhere slowly

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iTXT website contact page

At the end of 2006 I was contacted about a new mobile message company iTXT that claimed to launch safer chat rooms on cellphones. This was at the height of MXit’s initial negative publicity. I investigated the company and signed up on my cellphone to evaluate the service.

I immediately found some usability problems and reported this to the PR company who contacted me. The model was flawed to begin with because of a small weekly fee. The MXit business model was always no monthly or weekly fees because everything is pre-paid via Moola, and therefor on a pay-per use bases. A monthly fee for ringtones or access to a chatroom is like those irretating debit orders for insurance policies on your bank account.

Anyway I have since removed the iTXT application from my cellphone but like clock work I get the monthly SMS: “iTxt Monthly Reminder- Have you tried iTxt on your PC? www.itxt.co.za

And so every other month I diligently go their website, email them a request to remove my account and stop sending these SMS messages to no avail. Now if they only had a landline or at least a cellphone I could call someone to resolve my dilemma.

So just a word of caution. If you come across a website, especially an ecommerce website just take a moment to check if they have a landline or at the very least a cellphone number. If their contact page looks like this one below…run! Avoid them because they are not making it easy for you, a potential client, to engage with them. This was one of the earliest criticisms I had of MXit i.e. no telephone number on their website. And it’s maybe no surprise they also do not have any telephone number listed on their website. So I

f you have any customer support issues with MXit call them on 0861 00 6948.

Let me know if you have had any hiccups in having your user accounts removed from a website or cellphone wireless application service provider in South Africa.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.