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Disillusioned American and British men find Thai brides

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Today is my first post for the new year. So happy new year to all my readers. This is going to be a real cracker as my public speaking career is taking off and the media interviews keep coming in. Just this morning I did an interview on RSG, the national Afrikaans radio station here in South Africa, all about online dating, speed dating and sms dating. What I didn’t get to say was that I personally do not use any of these anymore, and only keep track for research purposes. I am aggressively using my social network to expand the potential women I am exposing myself to.

Anyway the Mail & Guardian featured a shockingly sad article about the state of American and even British men today. This article quotes a few of these men who are now seeking brides in Thailand. Now the first thing they mention is how demanding the American and British women have become. And how feminism has made a very negative impact on how modern Western women behave. The biggest problem I see is the disproportionately high expectations expectations by women toward men. The exaggerated indoctrination that modern women can have the same success as men in their careers and also have the perfect relationship with a man. This kind of expectation leads to ongoing disappointment by women.

And also you have men growing up with much fewer strong male role models. More and more are growing up without any father figure. The mothers rip into the fathers and blame them for everything. The sons dislike their fathers and does everything possible to please mommy. You end up with the common, nice guy syndrome or wussy behavior I see all the time. Men who just cannot stand their ground, set any boundaries, and behave like the confident men that women desire.

I’d be very keen to get your perspective on this story: Thai brides on the Internet.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.