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The Mind Never Becomes Tired, But Sometimes It Becomes Bored with the “FOOD” It Gets

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Napoleon Hill Foundation
Computer experts use the acronym GIGO- garbage in, garbage out-to illustrate the fact that the computer can process only the information it is given. The same is true with your mind. If you feed it healthful, nourishing “food,” it will grow strong and agile, but if you restrict it to a regular diet of mental “junk food,” your mind will become unhealthy, negative, and unproductive. It will return to you what you put into it. Feed your mind a balanced, nourishing diet. Study information from a variety of fields to help you keep up with the latest trends. You may find that the best ideas for your business come from a totally unrelated area.If you like this you may enjoy subscribing to the Napoleon Hill Thought of the Day here.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.