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Join me in supporting the Let's Walk Fund

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Charity Comedy fund raiser John Vlismas Joey Rasdien Darren MauleNorthridge Ladies Circle (LC7) are raising funds for our Let’s Walk Fund. Funds raised from this evening will primarily be used to assist Jonathan, a 24 year old who was involved in a serious car accident in August 2010. He was in a coma for almost a month. He has spent the majority of the past few months in hospital. Recently he had a hip replacement and will require many hours of rehabilitation.

Funds will be used to assist Jonathan as well as others. All these top comedians performing have given up their time for FREE!!! A true reflection of how amazing and generous South Africans are! We have an amazing line-up for the evening:

You can RSVP for this Comedy Charity Event on Facebook. Please come support us and help us raise LOTS of much needed money.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to make a donation, please e-mail me at sofiav75@yahoo.co.uk.

For further information contact Sofia at sofiav75@yahoo.co.uk or 084 252 5390

If you cannot make the event, you can still make a direct donation towards this worthy cause.

The banking details are as follows:

Northridge Ladies Circle No. 7
First National Bank
Cresta Branch Branch Code: 254-905
Acc No: 51440050171
Ref: Let’s Walk Fund


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

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