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In October a client of mine contacted me about a news story on TV about the Film and Publications board (FSB)’s quest to find and appoint cyber inspectors. This is nothing new to me because I know in 2002, the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act was passed into law, which made provision for so-called Cyber Inspectors.
The purpose of these Cyber Inspectors broadly speaking is to identify suspicious websites based on set criteria, and also investigate reports of unsavoury content on websites; for example websites that promote, sell or advocate child pornography.
It took me a while to track down the organisation because my client could not remember the exact name. Well I eventually found this article which talks about it. So I emailed them through their website to offer my services. This was about 10 days ago and no response!
Today I did another interview about the Parents Guide to MXit on RSG, the biggest Afrikaans radio station in South Africa. And afterwards I decided to call the Film and Publications Board. No response! No voicemail and I’m at a loss. How can this organisation expect us to take them seriously if you cannot even make contact with them.
So I’m asking anyone out there that knows how to engage the FSB to help me reach them. I need to know the name of a person who works for them. And an introduction would make it easier to speed up the process of engaging with them to help set-up these cyber inspectors, conduct training with them to help speed up the understanding of the global and local issues regarding mobile and Internet issues.