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Update on John Taylor Gatto

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Author, John Taylor Gatto New York TeacherThis update was sent to us from Tragedy and Hope community newsletter on July 1, 2012:

As many of you are aware, John suffered multiple strokes in the weeks after visiting us in Connecticut and filming the Ultimate History Lesson interview. Since that time, he has been in and out of hospitals and rehabilitation centers, and has struggled to regain his health. I’ve spoken with his wife Janet over the last several months, and she assures me that John’s mind is as sharp as ever, although his body is still very weak, as the result of poor care at the various hospitals and rehabs that he’s been subjected to. She was visiting him daily and bringing him healthy food to balance out his diabetes, which the food the hospital’s had been giving him had exacerbated. She had to be his advocate, as the doctors who were caring for him were not adequately taking care of John. The last rehab center he was in lost his dentures, and they have yet to be replaced.

John is back at home now with Janet recovering. Their economic resources have been depleted, and they are in need of funds for medical needs and personal rehab that John’s insurance no longer covers.

Rich and I teamed up with Jerry Mintz (Founder of AERO) to help John and Janet, and organized a fundraiser through AERO (using the UHL as a premium gift for donors) to raise funds for their immediate needs, and Jerry sent out a special AERO newsletter announcing the fundraiser last Sunday.

We’re delighted to tell you that the response was overwhelming, and Jerry delivered a check to John and Janet yesterday for $7,500.00. T&H will continue to roll out fundraisers for John over the next several weeks, through our media partners and other independent media outlets. Our goal is to provide a consistent stream of revitalizing revenue to John and Janet through our outreach efforts. More details will be announced, as we catch up with the work that needs to be done for each of these efforts. Love & gratitude, Lisa

source: Tragedy and Hope Online Community


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.