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Change Your CareerHave you hit that point in your career where you just are sick and tired of what it is you’re doing? Maybe you feel like you’re never going to get the promotion you deserve, or maybe you just can’t stand the monotony of your job. Whatever the reason is, it’s time for a career change and you know it.

Lots of people who are sick of their jobs stick with them anyway because of fear. They either think that they’ll never be able to find a new career, or they’re too far in their current career to abandon what they’ve worked for. If that’s you and you’re ready for a change, it’s not as hard as you may think.

Don’t live your life fed up with the career you’ve chosen. Change your career! It’s not as hard as you think. Check out these tips on how to switch careers and live a better, more enjoyable life starting today:

First, Don’t Quit Your Current Job

Finding a new job, especially in a new career field, is tough. It may take you longer than you think, or longer than you’d like. That’s why it’s important that you don’t quit your current job while searching for a new career. You’re also a lot more likely to get hired somewhere if you’re currently employed, rather than unemployed.

It could take weeks or months, maybe even a year, before you find a new career. All that is too long to go without a paycheck. Make the wise decision to search for a new career on your days off or after you’ve gotten off work, just so you have the security of a paycheck until you find a new career.

Consider Going Back to School

Lots of people dread returning to school, but with distance education it’s become very easy to earn a new degree to switch careers. If you’ve got the skills to change careers without a new degree that’s great, but in many cases you’re going to need a degree if you want to start a new career in a completely new field.

Consider distance education and getting a degree from an online college for professionals. There are many benefits to this rather than going to an actual classroom based school, one being that you can study on your own time rather than take off work or cut your hours in order to sit in class. If you’re looking for a simple career change, you probably don’t even need a bachelor’s degree, meaning you can earn your online associate’s degree in two years or less.

Use Your Networks

Chances are you’ve developed lots of connections with people through your current job. Maybe there’s a vendor that you’re friends with, or one of your coworker’s siblings works in an industry that you’re in to. Use those connections to try and network your way into a new career.

Be ruthless, but not annoying. Schedule informational interviews to inquire as to how you can enter those careers. The more people you talk to, the better chance you have at succeeding.

Image credit: http://careerchangeforboomers.com/


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.