Ignorant Parents in South Africa blames MXIT for exposing Youth to Pornography

I was quoted in this article published on MoneyWeb, and posted this comment… People who are accusing MXIT are likely not even using MXIT. I’ve interviewed Herman Heunis and I’ve also been using it for a few months now. Its a text based system for instant messaging or chatting in semi-real time. And whatever explicit …


Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins

Scientific Advertising is one of the best books on advertising and marketing ever written and I found an audio version (plus PDF) available freely on the Internet… Claude Hopkins was one of the greatest advertising pioneers who ever lived. He believed that “Advertising is salesmanship” and as such, it should be measurable and justify the …


Mel Gibson Breaks Hollywood's 10 Commandments

Mel Gibson has always been an iconic actor ever since he emerged from Australia’s deserts with the Mad Max trilogy of movies. He became a bonafide action star with the Lethal Weapon series and Braveheart. I’m a big movie fan and always keep track of how movies are created, marketed and how they perform. With …