A while ago I wrote an article about how SMS relieve loneliness, stress and depression. The same advice applies well to boredom in general. John Taylor Gatto first alerted me to the pandemic of boredom in public schools. This is a cause for concern both in children and in teachers. Everyone has felt bored at …
Author archives: Ramon Thomas
Three Tips on How You Can Successfully Change Your Career
Have you hit that point in your career where you just are sick and tired of what it is you’re doing? Maybe you feel like you’re never going to get the promotion you deserve, or maybe you just can’t stand the monotony of your job. Whatever the reason is, it’s time for a career change …
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Celebrating Safer Internet Day 2013
Today I was interviewed by Lotus FM part of the SABC in Durban, South Africa. Lotus FM is targeted at the Indian market through their cultural focussed programming content. So it was a real surprise they called me to discuss Safer Internet Day. This takes place on the second day of the second week of …
How Digital Platforms Will Transform Brain Health in 2013
Compared to physical fitness, the fitness of the brain is often overlooked by both individuals and health systems, but it is easy to see positive and broad changes on how brain health is defined, monitored, maintained, and enhanced across the lifespan, and digital platforms are going to play a key role. Here are 10 predictions, …
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5 signs that you're addicted to technology
Let’s not deny it: technology is great. However, there comes a point where enough is enough and you simply need to draw the line. The following are a few signs that it might be that time. 1. On more than one occasion you’ve been knocked off your feet by some idiot who couldn’t be bothered …
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