Response to Denton Goodford and Levona Fredericks

There is still a bitter taste in the mouths of people who think I am abusing the name of Uitenhage High School on the Internet. Those are the same people who did not attend the annual Speech & Awards ceremony in October this year. I was there! So here’s my response to Denton and Levona, …

Google Real Time Search Comes to Town

Once again without too much of a fanfare Google announced another significant change that will have a serious impact upon free SEO ranking as time roles out. Announcement made on Dec 7th. The new way of representing search results is to place up to date news content above the free results and just below the …

Farewell Jim Rohn The Passing of a Legend

With great sadness we share that Jim Rohn, our mentor and friend, left us December 5, 2009 for a better place. Over the past 18 months, in his battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Jim assured us with a smile that all is good, that he would fight until the last breath, yet he had no fear …

Eight (Years) is Enough: Time to Rethink Afghanistan

“Greenwald demonstrates deft timing with RETHINK AFGHANISTAN,  a documentary questioning the American presence there … [the film] presents a flurry of sights, voices and figures, many of them compelling.” — The New York Times “Sending more troops will not make the U.S. safer; it will only build more opposition against us. I urge you on …