Speed dating wasn't fast enough meeting the Baroness

There was a young man called Ramon who was tired of being alone. Imagine his stress when a man in a dress blew him kisses and followed him home. How many of you have encountered a man dressed up like a woman? Aha! Fortunately it’s only happened once in my life ? so far. A …

TEDAfrica in Cape Town opens for registration

I learned from Erik Hersman over at WhiteAfrican.com that TEDAfrica is open for registration. This is technically the 2nd TED conference in Africa, although its the 1st to named TEDAfrica, a new annual conference focussed on bringing together the Cheetah generation with global visionaries in one mega conference. I also echo his sentiments that if …

Video Professor offers Protect Yourself Online: Viruses, Scams and Social Networking Tutorial

Leader in self-paced computer training combats Internet security fears with the launch of its newest tutorial, Protect Yourself Online: Viruses, Scams and Social Networking. VIDEO PROFESSOR-the leader in comprehensive, self-paced computer software tutorials—is offering a three-lesson Protect Yourself Online: Viruses, Scams and Social Networking tutorial to teach people how to protect themselves, their loved ones …

X-Factor Leona Lewis' Bleeding Love, a bad move

A song that’s been mulling in my head since I first heard it is Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis. Maybe I’m late to the party but I don’t get very excited about new music these days…However this single and the singer is absolutely stunning. There’s something deeply provocative about it and that’s in fact the …

Q&A about the Future of Social Networking

Using Microsoft’s recent acquisition of a $240 million stake in Facebook as the point of departure: 1. What does Microsoft’s stake in Facebook practically translate into for the company? And for the site’s users? Facebook now has a partner who can fund further expansion and growth as the need arises. Microsoft gains a very strong …