My Toastmasters speech on reducing technology stress

My friend Ronnie Apteker published a book 1999 called “Do you love IT in the morning?” and this was a great play on words because it could imply “it” as in perhaps sex or “IT” as in “Information Technology.” Sadly this book is now out of print and I remember picking up over 50 copies …

Jonathan Brunton on the Kevin Carter story

I am honoured and inspired by you. We are truly kindred spirits, rallying to make this world a better place. A place that is better for you, for me and for everyone! It takes one small gesture to change the destiny of humanity. Wayne Dyer once said ‘Change the way you look at things and …

Blog Action Day 2007 – More efficient living in Johannesburg

A while ago I joined the Blog Action Day campaign and I wasn’t sure what I may write about. However, as I’m in Durban, sitting in my hotel room, I’m feeling exceptionally relaxed. You see in Johannesburg the stress levels are likely to be among the highest in the world. Crime is one of the …

Get Ahead in your Career, Work and Job Update

My friend Yusuf Mahomedy invited me to join his next seminar: WORKSUCKS, MAKE WORK WORK EXPRESS 2007. Get Ahead in your Career, Work & Job like never before. Do you really want to take charge of your career before 2007 ends?Are you ready to create your work success with stuff that is not available to …