Maybe Jason Bourne is better than James Bond

Just came back from watching the awesome Bourne Ultimatum. Matt Damon really kicks some solid ass in this film like he did in the previous ones. Bourne is tortured by memory loss and is on a mission to find out where it all began. This got me think about Jason Bourne vs James Bond as …

Something happened on the way to the front page

Early in 2006 I was featured in the now defunct Nova newspaper and about a week later the paper shut down. Back in 2004 I was featured on the front page of ThisDay newspaper and shortly afterwards it was also shutdown. Now if I was superstitious I would think those were bad omens for me. …

Self regulation by knowing who's editing Wikipedia

Last Friday I was interviewed on the Midday Report with Chris Gibbons. This is a very fast paced show which addresses everything from business to politics and what lies in between. The topic was who’s editing Wikipedia which has been driving up a storm of online commentary. A Caltech graduate Virgin Griffith has developed an …

TEDGlobal Talks premier online with George Ayittey

Earlier this month I received an email from Chris Anderson, the curator of the TED following up on the conference in Tanzania. Several videos from the TEDGlobal conference I attended in Arusha a few months ago premièred online. My favourite is George Ayittey who roused the audience, alternating from lacerating criticism of Africa’s “hippo generation” …

The question is: Why did the chicken cross the road?

PLATO: For the greater good. * ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads. * SADDAM HUSSEIN: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it. * MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR: … I envision a world where all chickens will be free …