The lack of Email Netiquette as the Internet grows in South Africa

My mentor Arthur Goldstuck has just released his latest statics on Internet growth in South Africa. According to his annual study growth has slowed down to 3% per annum and by the end of 2007 we will have ONLY 3.85 million South Africans online. This is including the explosion of access since broadband became available …

Joke of the Day: Mbeki, Zuma, Fraser-Moleketi and Dlamini-Zuma

Mbeki, Jacob Zuma, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and Manto Tsabalala Msimang were flying together in the President’s jet. Thabo Mbeki suddenly said: “You know what. I can throw a R500 right now out of this window and make someone happy.” Jacob Zuma said: “I can throw five R 100 notes out of the window and I will …

Low-information diet and reducing workplace and technology stress

One the best resources I’ve encountered, thanks to the prolific Seth Godin, is, a website where experts publish short manifestos (ebooks) which are available at no cost to you. One of the recent ones really made an impact on how I’m using email. The Low-Information Diet: How to Eliminate E-Mail Overload & Triple Productivity …