How to Use Skype for Mobile and Smart Phones

Skype is a VOIP or voice over internet protocol software that supersedes the cellphone networks. It allows people to communicate over long distances instead of using mobile phones and using airtime. It provides services similar to telecommunication providers except that it uses the internet as its primary mode of communication both for text chat and …


An Artificial World

This week we feature another deeply insightful piece by investigative journalist Jon Rappoport on artificial intelligence. He’s been discussing genetics in his weekly radio show on PRN and on his own newsletters for several weeks now. APRIL 20, 2011. Futurists are inclined to predict a world in which AI (artificial intelligence) will take over a …


Using Conference Calling

Following on from my blog in February about the rise of cellphone owners opting to use cellphone banking in South Africa, I started to think about how the telecommunications market has changed over the years, and what this has meant for the consumer, and most importantly how this has changed businesses’ services for the consumer. …



Another excellent interview between journalist Jon Rappoport and hypnotherapist Jack True: In this conversation, from 1990, hypnotherapist Jack True discusses the space-time continuum. Q (Rappoport): How does hypnotic trance relate to space-time? A(Jack True): That’s a question I’ve looked into for years. First of all, all trances are not equal. I have my own way …