First Internet Cafe SME workshop and industry portal launched

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A black empowered joint venture is hosting the first workshop for people who wish to start an Internet Cafe as a small business this weekend. And a new industry portal is being launched at the same time. 22 March 2007 (Johannesburg): The Internet Cafe industry is set for a boom between now and 2010. …


Invitation to Internet Cafe workshop

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At iWeek 2004 I delivered a ground breaking presentation: “The State of the Internet Cafe industry in South Africa.” Since that time I’ve received numerous queries from people who want to set-up cyber cafes and I’ve not always had my ducks in a row. However, I’ve continued to gather information on this topic and consulted …


Discover Your Inner Geek

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This is from Mike Stopforth, Web 2.0 guru…I’ve already reserved my seat: I’m hosting another installment of the infamous Geek Dinner movement, now branded “27“, on the 27th January at 5pm in the Studio at Primi Piatti, Rosebank. The last one was an enormous success, and we’d like to keep the tradition going. I regard …


Broadband: The premise of a social web

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As you may have written down in you diary that a major event to attend in November was the 2006 MyADSL Broadband Conference held at Vodaworld, Midrand, South Africa. That was one of the many ICT related forum focusing directly on widening digital access to communities and the information poor. In this article i am …


Winners: 2006 Broadband

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The MyADSL 2006 Awards went to: Journalist of the Year, Overall Winner – Duncan McLeod Journalist of the Year, Newspaper – Lloyd Gedye Journalist of the Year, Online – Dave Glazier ADSL ISP of the Year-Web Africa Broadband Provider of the Year-iBurst 33.6k Modem Award for 2006-Telkom