iWeek 2006: Mark Shuttleworth, Director HBD Venture Capital

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Today iWeek 2006 kicks off with a bang. Mark Shuttleworth is making a first ever guest speaking appearance at this annual Internet industry event. The conference was moved to The Castle, Kyalami, north of Sandton, this year. The purpose is to discuss trends and development of the Internet industry. Greg Massel, ISPA co-Chairman opened the …


Internet and digital divide:Prospects and Challenges.

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In 2005 civil Society groups in Africa continued their role on ICT as the World Summit on Information Society kicked off in Tunis, Tunisia. As digital Divide continue to cripple millions in the South many still believe that the Information Highway is coming to Africa. Challenges remains high ,so as possibilities growing with risks. James …


Finally the Telecoms Action Group launches

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I’m reposting this message from the Tectonic, open source, newsletter and website. I’ve always believed the way to get a response is to model our campaign on the Treatment Action Campaign, the well known AIDS lobby group.Richard Frank got people talking this week with his proposal to launch an advert campaign to demand better and …


MySpace, YouTube tops Time's 50 Coolest Websites

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Time magazine has released its annual list of 50 Coolest websites here. I have started using both MySpace and YouTube frequently. And you can checkout my MySpace profile here. And have connected with 71 friends so far. Some of them are very well known South Africans like Danny K and ex-girlfriend Lee-Ann Liebenberg. The possibilities …


The Future of MSN Instant Messenger

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Much to my irratation I’ve had to use MSN Messenger to keep in contact with some friends and contacts. Others who use Yahoo! Messenger I’ve ignored and where possible I’ve tried to get people onto Skype because of its superior voice quality. Well that may not be the case anymore. There has been a few …