Online replaces telly and print for teens

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This is not exactly news for me because I’ve been following these trends internationally from the annual reports published by the Centre for the Digital Future. Here’s the South African perspective. A recent survey by found that more South Africans teenagers are spending time online than watching television or reading magazines and newspapers. This …


Jump Around Shopping

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My friends over at Jump has launched South Africa’s first shopping search engine. I must say I’m really impressed that this is the product of two guys. Very dedicated and very geeky because anyone who reads Seth Godin (like me) is a little geeky. Well the geeks will rule the world, as Bill Gates has …


Jakob Nielsen Does It Again with Back To Basics Advice

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I’ve been a subscribe to Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox column for many years now and I can’t even recall when I started receive his twice a month alertbox emails. He’s latest column: Growing a Business Website: Fix the Basics First is a testament to his experience and how hype is easy to identify if you can …