My 1st Sunday Times feature!

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On Thursday, 7th September I spent the afternoon with Buddy Naidoo, journalist at the Sunday Times, the biggest national Sunday newspaper in South Africa. When he arrived for my interview, I was sitting with Carmel Fisher, Roxanne on eTV’s Backstage. It seems this interviewed was inspired by the article in the Sunday Independent (part1, part2), …


Google wins MySpace deal

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I’ve been on MySpace for a while now and you can connect with me on my profile if you are also on MySpace. MySpace is the biggest phenomenon in the last two or three years and its growth is increasing at levels not seen since the early days of the Web (circa 1996). And now …


Ramon Thomas discuss Cyber Love on Carte Blanche

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How do you find love? At a bar? A club? These days, love-seekers are going for a safer optionĀ, online dating. So, those pre-first date butterflies can be somewhat quashed by backward and forward emails, finding out about potential partners. Carte Blanche explores the pros and cons of online dating, and goes on a first …


Prim Reddy interview on 702

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Ramon Thomas joins us on the line, he is MD of NETucation and he is going to be chatting to us about online dating. P: Hi Ramon RT: Hi Prim, thanks for having me on the show. P: Well thanks very much for taking the time, why online dating, why not the traditional way of …