Meaning of my name Ramon

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Number of Ramon – 7 Bearers of this baby name are odd persons of saturnine temper. They are often philosophers and mystics at heart. They tire easily of a bustling and hasty life, love to think all alone and hate light-mindedness. Quite often they are devoid of commercialism and a thirst for comfort. Having keen …


Back in Johannesburg

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So I’ve been on a short break and I went to the windy city Port Elizabeth on Easter Saturday. I was hoping to cash in on the influx of people during the Easter Weekend and when I arrived the weather was kak. No anyone who’s ever been to Port Elizabeth know its a small city …


Great Places in Johannesburg To Meet Women

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At the time of writing this blog I had been living in Johannesburg for almost 10 years. In fact I had lived in Newclare, Roodepoort, Randburg and finally purchased a house in Winchester Hills. Since I’ve been around for a while, I observe social interaction in a very different light. Firstly I pay attention to …


Mandi’s Feedback on Ramon’s Girlfriend Marketing Plan

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My friend Mandi, 31 from Pretoria wrote back with this lengthy response to my Girlfriend Marketing Plan. My comments in Red My remarks are not intended to start a battle of the sexes, but it might be good for you to just ponder on it a bit: I fall into the category of “older” women …


Brown Penny by William Butler Yeats

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For those who found the poem recited in the Must Love Dogs by Christopher Plummer to be as well placed and enchanting as I did, here it is in full: Brown Penny by William Butler Yeats I whispered, ’I am too young,’ And then, ’I am old enough’ Wherefore I threw a penny To find …