Online classified job application results in rape and death

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Recently there has been a number of reports about a woman who died after being gang raped after she applied for a job at a local Pick-n-Pay via Gumtree. Gumtree is the most popular online classified ad website in South Africa. When comparing it to Junkmail and using rankings you’ll notice they get more traffic …


Dollars and White Pipes

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Hey I know I’m a few years behind in noticing this movie. My friend Ra-eef Wicomb brought this to my attention today. So here’s the write-up from Video Vision, the main production company, and the trailer from Youtube follows below: VIDEOVISION’S “DOLLARS AND WHITE PIPES” PREMIERES AT MONTREAL WORLD FILM FESTIVAL Dollars And White Pipes, …


Breakfast with Angela Ludek, aka WildAngel

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About 3 weeks I met someone with whom I believe I share a spiritual connection. I cannot explain it in words. Freud came close when he described this type of feeling as uncanny – strange or mysterious, esp. in an unsettling way. And Carl Jung helped me understand how we met when he in turn …


Ramon Thomas ends association with DBS Human Capital

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WITHOUT PREJUDICE I am in the process of issuing a letter of demand against directors, Nia Maritz and Peter Jeffrey as well as their company DBS Human Capital (Pty) Ltd ( for non-payment for organising the Women4Women conference on 5 October 2007 and work done in preparation of the next conference to be held on …


27Dinner talk, Mutual-Aid between African Bloggers

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Thank you very much to Dave Duarte and Max Kaizen who have both supported my drive to create stronger relationships between South African bloggers and those bloggers from the rest of Africa. This has nothing to do with with the Xenophobia attacks, although it will restore tremendous goodwill that has always been there in the …