2008 MyBroadband Conference and Broadband Survey

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The 2008 MyBroadband Conference will take place on 27 November at Vodaworld from 10:00 to 16:30. Thanks to the generous sponsorships from Vodacom, Axxess, Poynting, Miro Distribution, Vox Telecom and ECN Telecoms, the conference will be free to all delegates. Vodacom has even thrown in a free lunch and then drinks after the conference. It’s …


Leadership in a Technology Driven World

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Worldwide there is a crises in education and schools and perhaps even more so in Africa. All you have to do is open any newspaper and you will read stories like this letter from a very concerned parent in the Namibian. This keynote speech was delivered to over 240 Deputy Heads of Independent Schools at …


World Wide Web Applications 2007 Conference

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Today is the first day of the annual World Wide Web applications conference hosted this year by the University of Johannesburg, where I’m currently registered for a Masters in Information Science in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management. The opening address was by Prof Derek vd Merwe, Pro Vice-Chancellor.  


Day 1 – Futurex Conference 2007 – Lauri Elliot on Stakeholder Management

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Lauri worked for several Fortune 500 companies including Xerox. She discussed the importance of stakeholder management and relationships. There is a shift in power to the masses instead of the elite. And with this there is rising power in emerging markets instead of traditional markets. And as Stephen Covey once said, interdependence instead of independence …


Day 1 – Futurex Conference 2007 – Elmar Roberg on Project Management

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Elmar Roberg, a past president of the Computer Society, and current president of the Project Management Institute discusses Project Management the State of the Art. Here is my 2nd video podcast interview with Elmar Roberg: Elmar quoted Tom DeMarco as saying “people under pressure don’t think twice as fast.” Bad decisions are made when technology …