CIS Toastmasters club celebrates 1,000th meeting

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Today I received this invitation from CIS Toastmasters club in Houghton, Johannesburg. This was the first Toastmasters club I joined in 2006 and where I completed my Competent Communicator level. I was also the responsible for setting up the club website, which become #1 ranked website for the keyword “Toastmasters” on Google South Africa. Anyway …


Material is Magical movie for the new Millennium

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Material is in a class of its own because it fusses so many different genres successfully. Oscar winning “Tsotsi” gave the world a peak into South African thug-life life on the streets of Johannesburg. Material is strong for very different reasons. The characters are quirky, sometimes funny and almost magical in their qualities. Ronnie Apteker, …


Joburg Internet Cafe workshop postponed

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Due to unforeseen circumstances I’ve been forced to move the date of the next Internet Cafe workshop schedules for this Saturday. The primary reason for this is that I’ve been on a short break in Uitenhage and on Sunday missed my flight back to Johannesburg. My car has been parked at OR Tambo airport for …


Avoiding long distance relationships

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You will always find people who have had success in a particular way of dating because there is such a vast number of variables at play. Long distance relationships for the most part give people a false hope or a lack of control in the outcome, and in my opinion kills your self-esteem. When I …


Fathers, Sons and questions from reading Manhood

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Last weekend I spent some quality time with my best friend Bradley Minnaar. He’s mother passed away recently and now moved back in from a granny flat into the main house. All his sisters are married with kids and his one brother is married with kids, while the other became a missionary after his wife …