The Apprentice on SABC3

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The Apprentice is a new reality show on SABC3 on Wednesdays from 19h30 to 20h30. It replaced the long running 2nd season of the Weakest Link, in which I starred on 12 August 2004. This show is great fun, entertainment and can teach you business savvy from one of the most succesful real estate entrepreurs …


Interview Zooming In On Men, SABC3

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On Sunday, 21 September I was interviewed in a pre-recorded episode “Dating Games” for the fascinating show Zooming In On Men (ZOIM). ZOIM now in it’s 2nd season is broadcast Sundays at 4.30pm, following Car Torque, with the target market being the mature South African man – apparently the rest of the media believes we …


Speed dating wasn't fast enough meeting the Baroness

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There was a young man called Ramon who was tired of being alone. Imagine his stress when a man in a dress blew him kisses and followed him home. How many of you have encountered a man dressed up like a woman? Aha! Fortunately it’s only happened once in my life ? so far. A …


Ramon Thomas on 3Talk with Noeleen this Friday

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For help on getting onto the 3Talk show, contact Urban Brew: Tel 011 781 0902, 8 Harley Street, Ferndale, Randburg. Urban Brew, the producers of 3Talk with Noeleen called me this afternoon to invite me back onto the show for the 2nd time, this Friday, 4 May. 3Talk is a daily show that runs from …