15 Minutes with Ramon Thomas

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This interview was compiled for a weekly feature in the Daily Dispatch newspaper in East London: Online behaviour expert Ramon Thomas talks to the Dispatch about technology and how it affects you. Profiles will appear at www.dispatch.co.za Q: YOU describe yourself as being an online behaviour expert. What does that entail? A: My field of research …


What is the role of Technology in Romantic Relationships?

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One of the tragedies of the romantic relationships in the 21st century is the lack of quality and the lack of depth. Technology has played a pivotal role in bringing people closer together and also keeping people from connecting at deeper levels. We’ve seen the rise of Internet dating as means for people to find …


Interview on Chai FM, Jewish community radio station

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[NB! I often receive phone calls or emails from people thinking this website is Chai FM. Please contact them directly via their websitebecause I was only a guest on the radio station a few times.] Today I received an invitation to do my first interview with this new Jewish community radio station next week 10, …


Leadership in a Technology Driven World

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Worldwide there is a crises in education and schools and perhaps even more so in Africa. All you have to do is open any newspaper and you will read stories like this letter from a very concerned parent in the Namibian. This keynote speech was delivered to over 240 Deputy Heads of Independent Schools at …


Taalgenoot interview on the impact of Technololgy on Human Relationships

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1. How does communication technology change the interaction of people (for example: from as young as 11 years children start to MXit and spend as much as 3 hours per day in their own virtual world.. But on Facebook long lost friends can keep in contact. Kindly give positive and negative comment) Technology allows people …