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At iWeek 2004 I delivered a ground breaking presentation: “The State of the Internet Cafe industry in South Africa.” Since that time I’ve received numerous queries from people who want to set-up cyber cafes and I’ve not always had my ducks in a row. However, I’ve continued to gather information on this topic and consulted here and there with some clients who set-up cafe’s from scratch.
One of the outcomes is www.internetcafedirectory.co.za which is still in beta – so your feedback is welcome.
Recently I met an amazing young black guy, Terrence Mohlala, who has a Internet cafe business offering and I’m helping him to develop this further into a more complete solution. Hey mainly sells computer hardware and does some basic end-user training from his own Internet cafe in Joburg.
Today we had agreed on a joint venture where I will offer research and marketing to his clients and I will refer all the queries to him from the iWeek presentation mentioned above. Our aim here is to bring this to the widest possible audience i.e. the Internet cafe as a viable small business.
I’ve always believed the more Internet cafes means more Internet users, which leads to more economic growth over the medium term. Professor Hans Rosling produces evidence for a direct link between Internet access and economic success in his 2006 presentation at TED.
So on Saturday, 24 March @9am we’re hosting an open workshop for people interested in starting Internet Cafe’s at the following venue: 2nd Floor, 58 Marshall Street, 3rd Floor, Johannesburg
Its easy to book your seat for these workshops by calling 082 9407137.