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Social Media Success Stories Needed for next PE 27Dinner

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Apologies for the inconvenience with the 27Dinner being postponed from September to October. Everything has been confirmed and we’re going ahead full steam with regular 27Dinner events in Nelson Mandela Bay. We should do at least 4 during 2010, one every 3 months.

This month we’re hosting a very special 27Dinner event in Port Elizabeth. As usual it’ll take place at the Algoa Bay Yacht Club, thanks for Alan Stratton from MyPE. The focus this month is discovering social media success stories from Nelson Mandela Bay. So if you have a story to share, a victory to celebrate from the Web 2.0 revolution, join us. Yusuf Moses, my awesome PA, will handle the MC duties to allow me a 10 minute speaking slot, discussing the growth of the 27Dinner movement, and mutual-aid between African bloggers. For those reading this for the first time, the 27Dinner events take place all across South Africa in major cities like Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth and soon Bloemfontein.

The purpose is to expose the masses to social media, introduce new concepts from Web 2.0 into the collective consciousness of Web users, Internet experts, graphic designers, PR executives, and all forms of decision makers from small to large enterprises. And we aim to distil the value of social media for everyone who’s serious about getting more from the online world. Past events in PE 27Dinners have covered topics as diverse as drug counselling using MXit, innovative social networking platforms like ZoopedUp and Blueworld, and other niche areas.

These events are FREE aka gratis, and you simply have to add you name on the 27Dinner website after completing a simply sign-up procedure. You can volunteer to sponsor these events with wine, desert, gadgets like cool new cellphones or gaming consoles – hint, hint I want a Nintendo WII or Microsoft Xbox, forget about Sony Playstations. Otherwise simply come along for good food and conversation.

We’re still looking for more speakers on the above mentioned topic. So if you know anyone who can elucidate our minds with a success story from the Port Elizabeth-East London-Uitenhage areas, feel free to email me their contact information and I’ll gladly make it happen.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

3 replies on “Social Media Success Stories Needed for next PE 27Dinner”

  1. I would like to know of training sessions in CT – seems you should have enough requests by now:)


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