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The business and marketing panel was where I was got my chance to do a presentation on blog marketing. Well before we get into the details I want tell you about Alec Hogg. The Moneyweb founder had some very potent things to say to the audience. And it was about time. The activism and the political diatribe as well as the media and journalism speak is important but its not doing to much to change the situation in the right direction. Alec Hogg claimed Moneyweb is making about R65,000 per month from Google Adsense alone! My last cheque was for US$500 😉 With a compliment of 15 full time journalist he will be supplying them with laptop’s and 3G cards from October so they can work from wherever they are. And this is a very good example of how an information business can succeed in a country with less then 4 million Internet users. People need to stop complaining and follow the examples already set by people like Alec Hogg who started Moneyweb from the top of his garage in 1997! Now I was up next and you can download my presentation on using blogs as part of your online marketing here.
Emeka Okafor, blogging at the Timbuktu Chronicles gave a general overview of his blog and the reasons behind it. Identifying unusual entrepreneurial businesses in Africa and highlighting them because they are not covered in the mainstream business media like Fortune, Forbes, Motley Fool, etc. All in all I wish this panel had more time to get into the specifics. Alec Hogg took most of the questions and answered them with the same gusto as his talk.