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For help on getting onto the 3Talk show, contact Urban Brew: Tel 011 781 0902, 8 Harley Street, Ferndale, Randburg.
Urban Brew, the producers of 3Talk with Noeleen called me this afternoon to invite me back onto the show for the 2nd time, this Friday, 4 May. 3Talk is a daily show that runs from 5h45pm-6h30pm every weekday on SABC3.
As you know Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu is South Africa’s answer to Oprah, the Queen of the daily talk show. The show topic: “Where are South Africans meeting their partners.
I look forward to your comments after the show on Friday. And for those interesting in hiring me as a dating coach can go here.
Hi Ramon,
I watched the show today and you handled yourself very professional. You also made it clear that you help men with dating problems. I’m sure they will call on you for help.
Hey Ramon,
Well done landing another high profile interview! I had intended to tune in but there was an accident on the M3 which turned a 45 minute drive to Simon’s Town into a 2 and a half hour drive, so I missed it.
Hey Russell, thanks for keeping in touch. I’ll be in Cape Town from Tuesday, tomorrow till Friday morning. Thursday evening I’m giving a talk on MXit in Constantia. Maybe you can join me afterwards?
Nice Show Ramon,
It is good to see all facets of Dating. I liked the fast date info too.
Hi Ramon – it was a reasonable expose of dating and it’s various forms but you managed only to get a couple of sentences in – and you were side-swiped by Dr D who knocked the whole concept of internet dating. Better luck next time.
Good Morning
My name is Lerato Salemane, I just want information about Dr. Mamiki & David Molapo`s website if they have or where i can get more information about their seminar.And also about Dr Tibane
Good Morning
My name is Lerato Salemane, I just want information about Dr. Mamiki & David Molapo`s website if they have or where i can get more information about their seminar.And also about Dr Tibane
Please send me Noleen’s email address
I just want any support groups for people addicted to pornography. Noleen did a show a while back on dangers of pornography and I need support for my husband. I am in Pietermaritzburg.
Good Day!I just want to applaud Noleen for her amazingly contagiuos charismatic personality.I think you are incredible!
how does one get updated on up-comming shows?and would it be possible to get Noleen’s e-mil address?
Why are you asking for Noeleen’s email address? Don’t you know it’s the producers who decide who gets interviewed and not the host of the show. You can contact the 3Talk producers through their very bad website here.
Dear sir.
I’m a seventeen year old boy currently doing first year at the university of pretoria.
In the past 3 years i was at Potchefstroom High Scool for Boys. I would love to be featured in one of your shows together with other kids who went through difficulties when they were changing from rural schools into the former model C schools.
this would mean a lot to me, because it would reveal things that parents donnot know about their children when the get into such situations.
Thank you.
S Sakati
mrs sangqu thank u for your show i totally love it your doiing a great job may god bless u (love snash)
hi noleen
noleen pleas help me i what to book you 4 a talk show that will held at witbank is all about woman session the date 01.05.2010 my cell 0766390986
Noeleen is boring and has a lot to do to catch up to oprah starndads and values, noeleen is not deep enough, she is nt wise and inspiring enough, sumtyms she takes serious topics at face value
Yes, she may be boring to you. However, she does bring attention to important issues. There’s no way she can compare to Oprah.
Hi Ramon
I am desperate to contact Noeleen or her producers and get contact details for someone on who was on her show but am totally unsuccessful getting an e-mail address or contact number. No anwers on the SABC 3 telephone number. Please help me as this person could help someone who is very precious to me. I was not able to see the show personally but am desperate to contact Noeleen or her assistant for help in getting the person’s contact details.
with much appreciation and best wishes and success for your future projects.
It’s shocking how difficult it is to get in touch with these people. The production company for 3Talk is Urban Brew studios in Randburg. Call them on (0)11 285 6000 and ask for Alan Ford or anyone from 3Talk.
I just want to know why is it so difficult to write to Noeleen there is no email address or anything?How can you write to her.
You have to ask them when you make contact. Maybe her production company does not understand the power of the Internet and feedback on email. Urban Brew. Remember, unlike Oprah, Noeleen does not own the show. She’s just the host, a paid employee.
hi can you please give me noeleen email adress. or a number where i can call to enquire for the women function she’s having on the 24th. thanks
I need the email address of the producer of 3talk. How about having Ghomutso (spelling correct?) back on 3talk again, What a wonderful breath of fresh air she was when Noeleen was off sichK
Amina call me on 081 4399 555 and I’ll gladly help you get on 3Talk.
Daily Bread Organisation is a Non-Profit Organisation operating in the northernsuburbs of Johannesburg, South Africa, supporting the vulnerable women andchildren of the Kya Sands informal settlement.We are holding a singing competition in the Kya Sands informal settlement on the 9th June 2012 – “Singing to the African Skies” 9am – 3pm Judah Africa Church Agnes Road Kya Sands
I keep wondering if I am crazy to feel, it was unfair, and ignorant of the South African government to classify the 2009 attacks of foreigners as “xemophobic” without highligting the so many contributing factors.It seems no body seems to take note of the possible reasons as to why those attacks started in squarter camps, not in the rural areas or in suburbs.My question is for those people who believe it was xenophobia, why is it only the poorest who are xenophobic? have the middle class and the elites gone too holly to be xenophobic? guess the answer would be “we don’t have time for that, too busy”, and they are probably right, because they have jobs to keep them busy, businesses etc. Nobody seems to take into consideration that South Africa is still in” transition period”
People are still recovering from traumatic events caused by the previous goverments.And on top of that they are still dealing with disappointments, be it from realistic or unrealistic expectations of the new government. Truly majority is justifiable angry. One man once said ” a hungry man is an angry man” and I agree with him, hunger can change one’s behaviour.Though I don’t consider myself the poorest, but I can relate to that. when we did n’t have food at home it only made sense to share a slice of bread with my siblings and chase other kids away, hoping that perhaps that their parents can make plan for them. Blacks in SA have suffered a lot, when the new goverment started rulling, they hoped for a lot of things, but before they could have them, foreigners started pouring in SA, looking for the same greener pastures that locals have been longing for. Now I am by no means trying to justify the killings, murder is unacceptable regardless of the circumstances, but I do not think that the government nor the rich are willing to listen to the cry of the poor.
I think Gordon Brown, was only understanding trying to understanding his people when he said” british jobs for british people”.Though When he said that I was in London myself, struggling to make ends meet. but we said with other SA’s who were also in London, ” come on guys,lets be realistic, it is only fair of governments to consider British citizens before us” As much we were desperate for jobs.Yes no body attacked us, but we can not compare british history with South African, and hence South Africans behave differently from Brits. As for foreigners they too, need to be understanding of the frustration of the locals, without being defensive.
Yes, gover is doing well to protect foreigners, and thumbs up for that,but It is failing to understand its own people, I suppose they were more concerned about giving answers to other countries, than digging the real problem.
Why I am writing this, is I did not like the comment that one of Noelen’s guests said, in the las week or two weeks. She attributed the attacks to power, that Blacks are also attacking foreigners to feel more powerful, and that they are also racist.Even though from my experience I do agree with her that all races are racist in SA. But let not the racist white SA’s use the attacks as an example of racism, just so, they feel better about themselves.
Dear Ramon, my name is Steven and I represent a company who imports a very unique personal bathroom odor eliminating product. It really is the cure to a problem as old as humankind. I was wondering if you could help me get onto 3Talk to discuss this with Noeleen and make the country aware that there is a solution to this problem. This product also has major benefits for people who suffer from bowl disorders, people who have undergone gastric bypass surgery and cancer patients. If you are able and willing to help then please contact me at steven@labrisan.co.za Thanks!
Hi Steven you may contact my office on 081 4399 555 to discuss your product and getting onto televisions shows. I can do adhoc PR for people like you that extends beyond this one talk show.
Our “Human Rights” in South Africa should be re-visited, “convicted criminals should have none”. It is time we went back to biblical standards, show me one that is unfair, the victim is protected and the criminal punished.