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Live-Blogging the Gartner Africa Symposium 2008

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For the next few days I am live-blogging the Gartner Africa Symposium at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Here’s what you can read more about on my NETucation business blog:

The Economist Intelligence Unit has declared 2008 to be the year of the emerging market. They are not alone in this prediction. Emerging economies present companies with some of the biggest opportunities for growth this year. And this doesn’t refer just to China and India.

In fact, the three most buoyant economies in the world are on the continent of Africa. In 2008, sub-Saharan Africa as a whole is predicted by The Economist to grow at a rate of 6.3%, with South Africa growing at 5% (reported at 3.7% on www.businessday.co.za on 8 February 2008). The world is no longer dependent on the developed economies – which will grow only 1.8% in 2008 – to bring growth to the rest of the world. It is precisely because of, rather than in spite of, the challenges facing growth in Africa that the potential returns are great. The ICT sector is both a foundation and an agent of this growth and plays a critical role in solving developing world problems in a sustainable and profitable way.

In Cape Town, from 18 – 20 August 2008, at this year’s Gartner Africa Symposium, you will learn about the tools, technologies and management techniques to position your company to take advantage of this growth in emerging markets, while maintaining the fundamentals of efficiency.

On of the people I am looking forward to meeting in Johnny Clegg, especially after I have been to one of his shows in Johannesburg. He will be delivering the guest speaker today, the opening day at 11h45am.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.