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Queue no more

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Ronnie Apteker must be one of the most humble millionaires I personally know. He was the founder of Internet Solution with a few other guys back in 1993. This was also the first company I worked for in 1997 when I moved to Joburg. And I still have a strong connection with them. He writes a regular column for the Business Report (IOL) online and last Friday mentioned a mobile ordering and payment service in America, Mobo. Now in this column he does not even mentioned that his company was testing the same kind of thing in a famous experiment in the late 1990s where you could use your cellphone to order a coke from a vending machine! Here in South Africa we have some technical geniuses and we don’t always understand that we can indeed compete with the best in the world…

Remember to checkout Mobo’s website here. This is an idea who’s time has arrived even in South Africa!


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.