Batman Begins

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Well tonight I watched Batman Begins with my little sister who is visiting me for the June school holidays from Uitenhage. This is a great movie and I recommend everyone to go and watch it because of it’s authentcity. Christopher Nolan, who also wrote and directed the amazing film, Momento, has brought Batman to life …


Frank Lloyd Wright

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Growing up, I always dreamed of designing and building my own house because I love drawing so much. Maybe in some ways deep down inside me I knew I could become and architect if I wanted to. There’s a great quote I once heard by Frank Lloyd Wright, “The human race built most nobly when …



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Well I finally watched this weird Nicole Kidman movie, Birth. I was left wondering at the end if Sean was really her husband or not. Nice touch by the director not to answer all the questions like most Hollywood movies do.  


The Rules by Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider

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A self-help book with a simple set of do’s and don’ts which evidently lead you to where you want to be… the question is are these rules simple? The author’s of ‘The Rules’ have compiled a list of 35 Rules to help commit you to a healthy relationship. My first thought was how stringent is …


A walk on the beach (a love poem)

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My best friend Bradley Minnaar quit his job at a software company and moved to Rhodes University, Grahamstown for a while. While living there he started writing the most amazing poetry. Here’s just one example of his amazing prowess as a word smith… If I was the sea my love If I was the sea; …