Stand Up and Cheer, but Hit ‘Pause’ First

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NEVER mind that the Brooklyn Nets are circling the Milwaukee Bucks down on the floor of the new Barclays Center. Peter and Maria Hoey   In a suite overlooking the home-side backboard, Chip Foley is watching the basketball game via live video feeds on his iPhone and iPad. Mr. Foley is the director of building technology …


Using MOOC to upgrade Education in Rural Areas

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UNISA has made distance learning a common practise in South Africa. It’s position is entrenched more so after the 2004 merger with Technikon RSA. The next evolution in distance learning beyond e-learning or computer-based training is Massive Open Online Courses or MOOC. This is made possible with the pervasiveness of broadband Internet. MOOC is a …


Mobile Phones from 1980s

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If you’re not using, you’re house hunting in the 80’s. This is one of the funniest advertised about mobile phones I’ve seen in 10 years. Maybe I was fortunate because my first phone was an Ericsson and very small by comparison. What embarrasses me now, looking back, is how often I used to carry …


Jim Rohn: Imagine the Possibilities

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Turning something into nothing is one of the key messages I learned from Napoleon Hill in his classic, Think and Grow Rich. Jim Rohn was a legend and I discovered him during my time as a Herbalife distributor. It was only after he died that his style, his passion and his sincerity began to touch …


Yusuf Moses: Persistance To A Motivated Life

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This is the story of my friend Yusuf Moses, one of the most motivated people I’ve ever met. After years of ups and downs, he is now a respected ABET teacher, happily married father of two daughters. When we first met he worked in a factory building components for Volkswagen South Africa: Uitenhage, in the …