TEDxPortElizabeth launches in Nelson Mandela Bay

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[Port Elizabeth, Monday, 27 June 2016] – Sharing a world of dreams with the global TED and TEDx community, TEDxPortElizabeth will launch their first conference this year with the theme Through the Looking Glass in partnership with the new AFDA Film School in Port Elizabeth. TEDxPortElizabeth continues on from TEDxNMMU (2012) and TEDxSummerstrand (2013), both …


Does Money Buy Happiness?

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Does money buy happiness or just a big mansion? This funny video by blogger Victor Pride reminded me to always think differently from what Bill Cooper called “the sheeple!” And so after watching this video, think about it for a while, and ask your friends to get their reaction. You will notice the clear bias …


Solving The Port Elizabeth School Tragedy

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The school tragedy in Port Elizabeth is the latest episode in the ongoing Eastern Cape education disaster. Recently public intellectual, Professor Jonathan Jansen, wrote about the school tragedy in Port Elizabeth’s northern areas. Read his original column here: The real education calamity. He asks “why is there no public outcry about the fact that since …


Grow Your Business in Year of Fire Monkey

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China’s economy is slowing down. Financial reports raise concerns that for 5 consecutive months the manufacturing sector shrunk in December 2015. On the other hand the Chinese government has just committed $60 billion to Africa after the FOCAC summit in 2015. State owned enterprises (SOE) companies continue to benefit from high level government introductions. President …


In South Africa University #FeesMustFall

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This is a letter written by my Computer Science lecturer, Craig Reynolds. He was an academic for most of the time that I knew him and at some point moved into the business world, first working for Sun Microsystems and later Oracle Corporation in Dubai. He also graciously wrote a recommendation, which helped me to …