Using Skype in South Africa To Save Money

Skype is a very useful software application that has been developed for VOIP calls or voice over internet protocol calls. You will be able to reach any person anywhere in the world as long as you have the needed requirements. Such requirements include but are not limited to: A personal computer, laptop computer, netbook computer, …

Using Conference Calling

Following on from my blog in February about the rise of cellphone owners opting to use cellphone banking in South Africa, I started to think about how the telecommunications market has changed over the years, and what this has meant for the consumer, and most importantly how this has changed businesses’ services for the consumer. …

Animated Alan Watts

Alan Watts was a prolific author of books on comparative religion. He was a genius at contrasting Christianity, Judaism with Zen Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. In many ways has what Osho called Zorba the Buddah because he had his feet firmly in the West and the East. After growing up in England he settled in …


Another excellent interview between journalist Jon Rappoport and hypnotherapist Jack True: In this conversation, from 1990, hypnotherapist Jack True discusses the space-time continuum. Q (Rappoport): How does hypnotic trance relate to space-time? A(Jack True): That’s a question I’ve looked into for years. First of all, all trances are not equal. I have my own way …