10 Strategies for coping with Scary Times from Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan, founder of the Strategic Coach has published an updated version of his classic, The “Scary Times” Success Manual: Transforming anxiety about the future into strategic growth, progress and achievement. These strategies seem like common sense but you rarely consider or contemplate them. And once you become conscious of them you know them to …

Two simple steps to reducing your cellphone stress levels today

As far back as 2005 WebMD reported on how cell phones raise stress levels. And more specifically how it is blurring the lines between your professional life and your personal life. Now in South Africa you add in the frustration caused by load shedding, a high violent crime rate and you have enough of a …

WordPress Blogging wp-content/1/ Trojan Malware Virus

It’s been 4 years since I left the IT security profession to focus on research and training. However, I am glad to have this background because it helped me to appreciate the subtlety of this hack into the WordPress blogging software. It first came to my attention when I noticed a folder named “1” as …

Our kids are being bullied to death

written by Prega Govender 100 children tried to kill themselves in the past year because of their classmates’ cruelty When a Johannesburg schoolgirl missed class for a week after her father was shot in a hijacking, she expected fellow pupils to comfort her. Instead, the traumatised 15 year old was bombarded with more than 80 …