Mobile Bereaucracy!

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Trapped in the democratic bureaucracy-thats the best word to define the state on MNP in the mobile industry in South Africa, early mid last month when Mr. Paris Mashile made a presentation at Mobility Conference it emerged as if ICASA is ahead of the project, still ICASA was playing hard game. The regulator become aware …


Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 available

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The browser wars are here again! I’ve been on the Internet since 1993 and its amazing to see that we can still get excited when a new web browser version is released. When the Netscape browser was killed by Microsoft it seemed like the end. Well Firefox has slowly but surely been increasing its market …


Big News Google Buys Youtube for $1.6 billion

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I’ve been a user of Google Video and Youtube for several months now. Maybe I am fortunate here in South Africa because I’ve had an ADSL link for more then 2 years and I recently got a Wifi networking going. So I’m surfing the net all the time for cool things. A big distraction is …


Internet in Zimbabwe go Farming!

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The Zimbabwean government owned TelOne the owner of the main Satellite firm is reported to have cut its own international bandwidth due lack of finances. With the country ‘s economic future at a state of collapse, doing Internet Business in Zimbabwe like farming is a mere mess. In reaction to the mess TelOne Spokesperson confirmed …


Mobility 2006 Findings: Impact of mobile and wireless on corporate SA

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Arthur Goldstuck, MD World Wide Worx The corporate South Africa is not taking a good advantage of the potentials provided by the mobile and wireless technologies. Even though a small number of SMEs are beginning to realize such a role-many have been left behind. The VoIP has lost more value as one of the promising …