Join me in supporting the Let's Walk Fund

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Northridge Ladies Circle (LC7) are raising funds for our Let’s Walk Fund. Funds raised from this evening will primarily be used to assist Jonathan, a 24 year old who was involved in a serious car accident in August 2010. He was in a coma for almost a month. He has spent the majority of the …


Dollars and White Pipes

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Hey I know I’m a few years behind in noticing this movie. My friend Ra-eef Wicomb brought this to my attention today. So here’s the write-up from Video Vision, the main production company, and the trailer from Youtube follows below: VIDEOVISION’S “DOLLARS AND WHITE PIPES” PREMIERES AT MONTREAL WORLD FILM FESTIVAL Dollars And White Pipes, …


Make laugh not war in Joburg

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Last night I attended the really awesome “Make Laugh Not War” show at the Nelson Mandela Theatre in Braamfontein. The cast included Riaad Moosa (MC), Joey Rasdien, Afzal Khan, Mo Magic from South Africa and international comedians Azhar Usman, Preacher Moss, Mo Amer from Allah Made Me Funny Muslim comedy tour. Riaad, a medical doctor …