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Make laugh not war in Joburg

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Last night I attended the really awesome “Make Laugh Not War” show at the Nelson Mandela Theatre in Braamfontein. The cast included Riaad Moosa (MC), Joey Rasdien, Afzal Khan, Mo Magic from South Africa and international comedians Azhar Usman, Preacher Moss, Mo Amer from Allah Made Me Funny Muslim comedy tour. Riaad, a medical doctor turned comedian from Cape Town, hosted the evening. My tickets were thanks to Lester Ash from Bruin-ou.com. All I can say is that if you are even remotely interested in the Indian/Arab/Muslim/Palestinian people you are going to laugh your ass off. There are some very specific South African in-jokes with our diverse community. So you will enjoy the first set and overall the 2nd set with the international comedians were off the rockers.

So today they have their final show in South Africa. Be sure to book for the two shows today at Computicket. And just as a teaser…here’s a clip from Google Video:


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.