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This week I’m in Arusha, Tanzania attending the TEDGlobal conference. Travelling is one of those experiences which truly enriches your life. When you travel outside of your country you are stretching your own comfort zone.
Back in 2000 I spent 6 months working and living in United Arab Emirates. That was a big culture shock for me coming from South Africa, a very westernised country in many respects. The Arab world is conservative to say the least. The great thing about the UAE is the large population of expats from other countries who live there. And each and every time I met someone it expanded my view of the world.
In most cases we live such isolated lives. And travel is one of those activities which brings about a sense of personal growth like few other activities. And just by observation you can learn more that you can from any book.
Travelling into Africa is a real experience for me because again I think in South Africa we have been spoiled to some extent. If you live in Johannesburg, Cape Town or Durban, you are living in a first world experience. When you go into rural South Africa it’s a completely experience. But even that is a challenge which is worth undertaking.
If you are below 35 you may wanna consider the Contiki tours, which are dirt cheap travel worldwide. This is something which is on my t0-do list in the next two years. And if you are interested in following my experiences at the TEDGlobal confernece I will be blogging the presentations/speakers and conducting some video podcasts.
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