Eben Moglen discusses Freedom Box on CBS News

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Eben Moglen legal council for Free Software FoundationEben Moglen discussing the freedom box on CBS news. This small device provides a form of point-to-point secure encryption of your communications.

You can support or track the progress via the Freedom Box Foundation after watching this news clip from CBS News below: This is an important project for people who support user privacy. In the age of Facebook and wide social media, this device provides a necessary solution. And since it’s being developed by people in the free software and open source movement, this project will make a big impact.

As somsone who worked in IT Security industry in South Africa, UK and Middle East, I believe we are too dependent on the big software companies to develop solutions. We need to take responsibility to protecting our own Internet privacy.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.