Google added to Standard & Poor 500

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This is a really big vote of confidence in Google as a business because the Standard & Poor 500 has been a index that has stood the test of time. Google’s current share price is $365.80! Read the full article on Reuters here.  


Jakob Nielsen Does It Again with Back To Basics Advice

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I’ve been a subscribe to Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox column for many years now and I can’t even recall when I started receive his twice a month alertbox emails. He’s latest column: Growing a Business Website: Fix the Basics First is a testament to his experience and how hype is easy to identify if you can …


Mandi’s Feedback on Ramon’s Girlfriend Marketing Plan

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My friend Mandi, 31 from Pretoria wrote back with this lengthy response to my Girlfriend Marketing Plan. My comments in Red My remarks are not intended to start a battle of the sexes, but it might be good for you to just ponder on it a bit: I fall into the category of “older” women …


Valentine’s Day 2006 Movie Recommendations

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One of the best things to do is get together with your girlfriend or boyfriend and watch a movie. DVDs are just so commonplace and as you know you can get those pirate copies even while movies are in cinemas. I personally prefer watching them at the cinema the first time around. As Valentine’s Day …


Meeting You Soul Mate

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s?ul ma?es parties   The Soul Mates Dinner Parties organised by Lara Suddes of MostInnerMost is absolutely the best place to meet mature, confident, spiritually minded women. The sophistication and the esoteric interests is enhanced by the vibey atmosphere. I arrived before 7pm at Salina’s Restaurant, Pineslopes Centre, Corner Witkoppen & The Straight, Fourways (behind …