John Wooden on true success

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With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father’s wisdom. He first came to my attention via the monthly Toastmasters International magazine. In this talk poetically …


Be Like Water, my final Toastmasters speech for 2007

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This was my final Toastmasters speech for the year and my 10th, which I passed. It is also the final speech in the first level: Competent Communicator: Madam Toastmaster, Ladies and Gentlemen… For the longest time I did not understand the difference between motivation and inspiration. However, as I kept studying and learning I believe …


My Toastmasters speech on reducing technology stress

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My friend Ronnie Apteker published a book 1999 called “Do you love IT in the morning?” and this was a great play on words because it could imply “it” as in perhaps sex or “IT” as in “Information Technology.” Sadly this book is now out of print and I remember picking up over 50 copies …


The Attention Age Doctrine

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This is a speech I gave last night for my Toastmasters club… I only had my first girlfriend when I got to university, after high school. So I was a bit of slow starter back then. Every weekend I would rely on my best friend and neighbour to give me a lift to and from …


Fake it till you make it when speaking in Durban

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There is a very popular saying in the seduction community that you should fake it till you make it with women. What they mean is that you should pretend you have confidence until you develop real inner confidence. And the same goes for confident body language, etc. This last week I’ve been giving talks on …