Yes, its time to move on and keep growing

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Dan Sullivan, an expert on Entrepreneurship advocates that people in the 21 Century will be forced to become multidimensional people. This essentially means that to be successfully people have to continue growing. I’ve just realized that even in relationships we must continue to grow or else it will end, one way or another; from our …


The grandfather of success and motivation books, Think and Grow Rich

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I’ve been studying various books over the last 6 months in order to find the secret of success and wealth. And I’m likely to continue researching and studying these books for years to come. My search originally began by identifying the historically revered books such as: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Greatest …


Bank Loans and Credits

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I’ve had the privilege of viewing a new music video by South African musician, Sean Burke. The video entitled Last Dayz, is Men in Black meets The Matrix. This is superb 3D animation with a big focus on the quality of small details. The video is due to be play listed on MTV and it …


My first blog post

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This is my first attempt at regular blogging. I began blogging on and eventually moved to my own domain, and after several hosting companies have now settled on Hostgator. The best movies out this week is obviously the swash buckling Pirates Of The Caribbean with Johnny Depp, one of the most versatile actors in …