The ABC of Shopping on the Internet in South Africa

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Online shopping has taken off in South Africa and here’s some useful tips on how to avoid getting robbed in broad cyber light. With over 800 local ecommerce website to choose from and thousands upon thousands of international websites like and others it has become much more acceptable to purchase goods online. According to …


The lack of Email Netiquette as the Internet grows in South Africa

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My mentor Arthur Goldstuck has just released his latest statics on Internet growth in South Africa. According to his annual study growth has slowed down to 3% per annum and by the end of 2007 we will have ONLY 3.85 million South Africans online. This is including the explosion of access since broadband became available …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 12: Patrick Awuah

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Patrick Awuah left Microsoft to found Asheshi University. The questions of transformation in Africa is a question of leadership. He gives a shocking example of two incidents at a hospital when they lost power. Learned about courage when stopped at age 16 and stopped by soldiers who wanted him to join some protesters. He found …


Rich spend more time online

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Being rich not only gets you the best cars, houses, luxuries, clothes, health care, insurance, entertainment, you also get more out of using the Internet. To put it bluntly when you are wealthier you tend to be more educated and therefore have a more specific reason for using the Internet. And some new research by …