How to avoid phishing emails from South African banks

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For the first 8 years of my professional career I specialised in information security or Internet security working for various ISPs and banks in South Africa, England and United Arab Emirates. The particular focus I had was looking after the network security and managing the firewalls. So for the most part my work was extremely …


WWW2007 – Keynote – Dr Chris Kotze FNB Online Banking in South Africa

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Dr Chris Kotze, CEO of FNB Online, opened the 2nd day of the World Wide Web Applications Conference. He described online banking as the baby of the channels, mobile banking an even younger. More than 150, 000 “banking” users daily. 12-15K new users every month. 35 million transactions monthly. So the Internet is moving R90 …


No Credit Card doesn't mean you can't shop online

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Despite the impression on most websites that you need a credit card to shop on the Web, that is not entirely the case. In this article I present some alternatives to using a credit card. Last time round I explained how to shop online, but my assumption were based on the fact that most e-commerce …