WWW2007 – Keynote – Dr Chris Kotze FNB Online Banking in South Africa

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Dr Chris Kotze, CEO of FNB Online, opened the 2nd day of the World Wide Web Applications Conference. He described online banking as the baby of the channels, mobile banking an even younger. More than 150, 000 “banking” users daily. 12-15K new users every month. 35 million transactions monthly. So the Internet is moving R90 …


Keynote – Dr Pravin Gordhan: SARS and the Web

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Dr Pravin Gordhan, commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) opened the WWW2007 conference with a keynote on SARS and the Web. More generally how government is using technology to alleviate poverty, create jobs. He asked many questions like: What the impact of technology is on poverty? Does it empower ordinary people? We have …


World Wide Web Applications 2007 Conference

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Today is the first day of the annual World Wide Web applications conference hosted this year by the University of Johannesburg, where I’m currently registered for a Masters in Information Science in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management. The opening address was by Prof Derek vd Merwe, Pro Vice-Chancellor.