Internet access to double in next 5 years

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JOHANNESBURG, 24 March 2009:- South Africa’s Internet population is expected to grow as much in the next five years as it has in the 15 years since the Internet became commercially available in South Africa. This is among the startling conclusions contained in the Internet Access in South Africa 2008 report, released today by World …


Internet turnaround has begun in SA

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In the past year, the Internet user base in South Africa has seen its highest rate of growth since 2001, increasing by 12.5% to 4,5-million. This is the key finding of the Internet Access in South Africa 2008 study, released today by World Wide Worx. The study was backed by Cisco Systems, and the findings …


Introducing the NOHO office

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Everyone in business has heard of the SOHO – Small Office Home Office. Now make way for the NOHO – Small Office No Office. The concept is introduced in a new book released today, “The Mobile Office”, by pioneering technology writer Arthur Goldstuck. The book is sub-titled “The essential small business guide to office technology”, …


Deleting my MySpace profile and loosing faith in Facebook

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There is a idea that I know is true. That idea is that I prefer to speak to a friend face to face. Maybe over a cafe latte or a glass a wine. Why do I prefer this type of interaction over social networking? Because I can SEE the person, I can READ their body …


How to generate your own Publicity

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I’ve had so many interviews since the release of my Parents Guide to MXit, I’ve not had enough time to notify people on my email list or around me to listen in as in the past. The person who taught me how to deal with the media, how to generate your own publicity is Arthur …