How To Manage Your Digital Afterlife

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If the psychologist Carl Jung was alive today, he may have said, your digital world is your shadow. In many ways it’s the best representation of your personality and your aspirations because of its interactive nature. When you misrepresent yourself, you’re bound to receive feedback pointing this out. Twitter streams are like a public journals …


Google plus is a minus

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Most people in my workshops have either not heard of Google+ or do nothing after signing up. They feel this way because like 850 million other people, they invested heavily in Facebook profiles Google’s new social network arrived. They lament, not another social network, another profile to update. Does anyone even remember Orkut? Google+ launched …


Links and Link Anchor Text… Vital Info

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Another gem from SEO guru Tony Roocroft, a mentor and friend. Critical to SEO Success: Link Popularity and Link Relevancy. Links: You need them. Links: You need lots of them. Links: You need lots of RELEVANT or RELATED links Links on a web page enable the visitor to move around within and without a website …


Google Real Time Search Comes to Town

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Once again without too much of a fanfare Google announced another significant change that will have a serious impact upon free SEO ranking as time roles out. Announcement made on Dec 7th. The new way of representing search results is to place up to date news content above the free results and just below the …


Q&A about the Future of Social Networking

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Using Microsoft’s recent acquisition of a $240 million stake in Facebook as the point of departure: 1. What does Microsoft’s stake in Facebook practically translate into for the company? And for the site’s users? Facebook now has a partner who can fund further expansion and growth as the need arises. Microsoft gains a very strong …